If you decide to let Ivan live, he will give you an extra mission later on in the storyline.

Niko Bellic is a character in the Grand Theft Auto series who appears as the protagonist of Grand Theft Auto IV, and a supporting character in The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony….Spoiler warning! Niko Belic The game gives the player to become the CEO of a company and deal with the “stock market” so it is a good teaching opportunity. This game is fine for any mature 13 year old and up. It was believed by some that he was Russian, Serbian or Croatian. Niko’s nationality is never specified in the game, and has been a subject of some debate. There was nothing new added, and this version is similar to the console versions, albeit with removed multiplayer and removed tracks due to expired music licences.Nationality. This was until an update on March 19, 2020, which combined GTA IV and EFLC into one game named "The Complete Edition". The PC version, however, is merely a bundle of the base GTA IV and the EFLC compilation, with both games installing as two separate games. After choosing the game from the starting menu, the player can go to the pause menu and load a save file from any other game if they choose to. All of the episodic songs will be included on the radio stations, allowing the player to listen to the original IV soundtrack and the episodes' songs in any of the three games (similar to downloading the episodes alone with the base GTA IV). After the game is selected, it starts as per usual compared to the originals. At that screen, it displays all three game logos ( TBoGT, IV, and TLAD from left to right), and then the player of the game decides which game they want to play.

When the game is booted up, it loads until a 'Game Select' screen appears. The game was released on October 26, 2010, in the US, for PS3, Xbox 360, and PC. The game features the original GTA IV storyline, as well as having both its DLCs, in one disc (2 discs for the Xbox 360 version). Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition is a game that was developed by Rockstar North, and produced by Rockstar Games.